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Original paper

Consumer Attitudes toward Sustainable Development and Risk to Brand Loyalty

Volume: 10, Issue: 4, Pages: 997 - 997
Published: Mar 28, 2018
The present study reveals the importance of understanding how business decisions focused on sustainability can impact companies, due to the risks associated with brand loyalty. The relationship between brand loyalty and consumers’ environmental viewpoint is investigated, including how consumers’ brand loyalty would be impacted after environmental-based expansion decisions are announced. College students from the USA and Romania (N = 92) were...
Figures & Tables
Table 1. Characteristics of survey participants (n = 92).
Figure 1. Regression between sustainability attitude scores and posttest brand l...
Figure 2. Regression between sustainability attitude score and pretest brand loy...
Table A11. Independent Samples Test, differences in Brand Loyalty posttest by re...
Paper Details
Consumer Attitudes toward Sustainable Development and Risk to Brand Loyalty
Published Date
Mar 28, 2018
997 - 997
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