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Original paper

Proto-South China Sea Plate Tectonics Using Subducted Slab Constraints from Tomography

Volume: 29, Issue: 6, Pages: 1304 - 1318
Published: Dec 8, 2017
The past size and location of the hypothesized proto-South China Sea vanished ocean basin has important plate-tectonic implications for Southeast Asia since the Mesozoic. Here we present new details on proto-South China Sea paleogeography using mapped and unfolded slabs from tomography. Mapped slabs included: the Eurasia-South China Sea slab subducting at the Manila trench; the northern Philippine Sea Plate slab subducting at the Ryukyu trench;...
Paper Details
Proto-South China Sea Plate Tectonics Using Subducted Slab Constraints from Tomography
Published Date
Dec 8, 2017
1304 - 1318
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