Original paper
Effect of different carotenoid sources and their dietary levels on red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) growth and skin colour
Whereas wild specimens exhibit a red pink silver colour, under captivity red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) skin turns dark grey, being directly associated with lower acceptance by the consumers and lower market value. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of diet supplementation with two carotenoid sources, at two different concentrations, on growth and skin coloration. Fish of 44 g mean initial weight were fed the following diets: control...
Figures & Tables

Fig. 1. Hue values (8) at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone I. Bars represent meanFS.D....

Fig. 2. Chroma values at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone I. Bars represent m signific...

Fig. 3. Lightness values at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone I. Bars represent meanFS....

Fig. 4. Hue values (8) at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone II. Bars represent m signif...

Fig. 5. Chroma values at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone II. Bars represent meanFS.D....

Fig. 6. Lightness values at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone II. Bars represent m sign...

Fig. 7. Hue values (8) at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone III. Bars represent meanFS....

Fig. 8. Chroma values at days 0, 75 and 105 in zone III. Bars represent m signif...
Paper Details
Effect of different carotenoid sources and their dietary levels on red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) growth and skin colour
Published Date
Dec 16, 2004
223 - 231
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