Review paper
Ethnobotanical and scientific aspects of Malva sylvestris L.: a millennial herbal medicine
Volume: 64, Issue: 2, Pages: 172 - 189
Published: Nov 4, 2011
Objectives Malva sylvestris L., known as common mallow, is native to Europe, North Africa and Asia. In the Mediterranean region, this species has a long history of use as food, and due to its therapeutic relevance, some parts of this plant have been employed in traditional and ethnoveterinary medicines. The leaves in particular have been reported to have potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-complementary, anticancer and skin tissue...
Figures & Tables

Figure 1 Malva sylvestris L. (a) Leafy flowered stems; (b) young leaves; (c) imm...

Figure 2 Morpho-anatomical characters of a leaf from Malva sylvestris L., Malvac...

Figure 3 Morpho-anatomical characters of powdered leaf from Malva sylvestris L.,...

Figure 4 Some flavonoids found in Malva sylvestris.

Figure 5 Chemical structure of malvone A, a phytoalexin found in Malva sylvestri...

Table 1 Traditional uses of Malva sylvestris

Table 2 (Continued)

Table 2 Pharmacological activity of Malva sylvestris
Paper Details
Ethnobotanical and scientific aspects of Malva sylvestris L.: a millennial herbal medicine
Published Date
Nov 4, 2011
172 - 189
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