Expert Finder
Expert Finder
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Find Experts in Academia with Simple Keywords
Why spend days searching, attending conferences, and seeking recommendations?
Streamline the process and find the right experts in no time.
Find the Most Suitable Researcher in a Specific Field
Our algorithms classify researchers within all their very detailed academic fields, allowing you to find the most suitable person for your research project.
Find experts by searching fields or simple keywords
Find Rising Stars
Easily find promising emerging experts, within your country, who are likely to collaborate.
Track the Latest Academic Trends
Follow prominent researchers in your field of interest.
Locate the Most Prominent Researchers in Your Field of Interest
Don't get lost in a sea of information trying to find researchers in a specific field.
Identify prominent researchers in particular subfields in minutes.
Reliable Validation of a Researcher Expertise
Traditional measures like the h-index & citation counts fall short & have limitations.
We utilize credible metrics that evaluate expertise based on field relevance, independent of career duration.
Who is Scinapse Expert Finder suitable for?
  • Search for research labs for project requests
  • Search for advisory professors
  • Recruitment
  • Faculty recruitment
  • Search for collaborative research labs
Journal Editors
  • Search for peer reviewers
Target the right experts with Expert Finder.