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Original paper

Engaging modernity: Muslim women and the politics of agency in postcolonial Niger

Volume: 44, Issue: 01, Pages: 44 - 0481
Published: Sep 1, 2006
Ousseina Alidou’s book is a welcome addition to the growing anthropological literature on Islam in Africa. In the book, she focuses on the experiences of three very different Muslim women: Malama A’ishatu, who runs an Islamic school for girls and broadcasts a popular radio show; Habsu Garba, a singer and dancer who also host a radio talk show; and “Agaisha”, a spokeswoman for the armed Tuareg rebellion and, for obvious reasons, the only one of...
Paper Details
Engaging modernity: Muslim women and the politics of agency in postcolonial Niger
Published Date
Sep 1, 2006
44 - 0481
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