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Original paper

Effect of methanolic seed extract of Momordica charantia on body weight and serum cholesterol level of male Sprague-Dawley rats.

Volume: 20, Issue: 4, Pages: 209 - 13
Published: Sep 15, 2011
A steady weight increase disproportionate to height is by far the most prevalent type of body weight imbalance (overweight and obesity) in apparently healthy individuals of growing age. Many subsisting weight-reduction regimes or formulations are ineffective. Therefore, an effective and affordable weight-reduction product will add to the options available for the management of weight-related conditions.This study aimed to investigate the effects...
Paper Details
Effect of methanolic seed extract of Momordica charantia on body weight and serum cholesterol level of male Sprague-Dawley rats.
Published Date
Sep 15, 2011
209 - 13
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