Exploratory examination of inflammation state, immune response and blood cell composition in a human obese cohort to identify potential markers predicting cancer risk

Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Pages: e0228633 - e0228633
Published: Feb 6, 2020
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions and is often accompanied by elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines that promote many chronic diseases, including cancer. However, not all obese people develop these diseases and it would be very helpful to identify those at high risk early on so that preventative measures can be instituted. We performed an extensive evaluation of the effects of obesity on inflammatory markers, on innate and...
Paper Details
Exploratory examination of inflammation state, immune response and blood cell composition in a human obese cohort to identify potential markers predicting cancer risk
Published Date
Feb 6, 2020
e0228633 - e0228633
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