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Original paper

Reversible Cu4O3 Phase Formation in CuO Nanoplate Anodes for High Capacity and High Coulombic Efficiency

Volume: 2, Issue: 35, Pages: 11548 - 11551
Published: Dec 11, 2017
Conversion materials with high specific capacity are of interest to improve energy density of Li‐ion batteries. Here, we present results concerning hydrothermally synthesized CuO nanoplates that exhibit high specific capacity of 800 and 698 mAh/g at C/2 and 1C rates respectively and 180 mAh/g at a high rate of 30C. The electrodes exhibit high Coulombic efficiencies of about 66% and 60% at C/2 and 1C rate respectively, these are high efficiency...
Paper Details
Reversible Cu4O3 Phase Formation in CuO Nanoplate Anodes for High Capacity and High Coulombic Efficiency
Published Date
Dec 11, 2017
11548 - 11551
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