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Original paper

Population structure of some tree species in disturbed and protected subtropical forests of north-east India

Volume: 8, Issue: 3, Pages: 247 - 255
Published: Jan 1, 1987
Population structure based on diameter measurements of individuals of five common and economically important tree species, Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Bl., Myrica esculenta Buch. Ham., Quercus dealbata L., Q. griffithii Hk. and Schima khasiana Dyer., was studied in the disturbed and protected (undisturbed sacred grove) stands of the subtropical wet-hill forests of Meghalaya, north-east India. The diameter structure of the populations putting...
Paper Details
Population structure of some tree species in disturbed and protected subtropical forests of north-east India
Published Date
Jan 1, 1987
247 - 255
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