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Original paper

Fragment-mass and kinetic-energy distributions from the spontaneous fission ofNo252

Volume: 15, Issue: 2, Pages: 705 - 712
Published: Feb 1, 1977
Pre-neutron-emission fragment-mass and total-kinetic-energy distributions and the mass-energy correlations in the spontaneous-fission decay of 2.30-sec ^{252}\mathrm{No}have been deduced from measured energies of coincident fragment pairs using silicon surface-barrier detectors. The ^{252}\mathrm{No}for these measurements was produced in the ^{241}\mathrm{Am}(^{15}\mathrm{N}, 4n)reaction and deposited on 40-\ensuremath{\mu}g...
Paper Details
Fragment-mass and kinetic-energy distributions from the spontaneous fission ofNo252
Published Date
Feb 1, 1977
705 - 712
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